Useful Enums for MediaPipe Hand and Pose Landmarker Model

I’ve been working with Google’s MediaPipe which is a augmented reality (AR) library that can be used on low power devices (such as a phone). Basically MediaPipe is a collection of pre-trained AI that lets a developer do some interesting things. You can use it for single images or video sources such as a webcam.… Continue reading Useful Enums for MediaPipe Hand and Pose Landmarker Model

Competitive Fighting Games as Framework of Game Combat System

It’s difficult to provide a generalized statement but I can say I observe there exists common things in the kinds of games that I typically want to make. I find they typically involve understanding character (and object) animations in terms of animation clip transitions and the vocabulary common to fighting games. More about my hypothesis… Continue reading Competitive Fighting Games as Framework of Game Combat System

Techniques to Mitigate GameLift Anywhere’s Odd Delays

AWS GameLift is a cool product allowing game developers (hobbyist or professional) to develop multiplayer projects. You provide the game server executable and GameLift will take care of hosting the server processes, to your specifications. They even have a collection of features called “GameLift Anywhere” that supports a local development. Say you want to test… Continue reading Techniques to Mitigate GameLift Anywhere’s Odd Delays

“Touch” as a guiding principle for Video Games

Good writing mostly follows the adage “show don’t tell” to help writers prioritize how they are conveying information. Perhaps video games should follow a “touch, don’t show” guiding light to help game developers convey experiences meaningful to the interactive medium.

Defining Video Game Interfaces (VGIs)

Most everyone today interact with graphical user interfaces (a.k.a GUIs) when using a computer (phone or otherwise). This makes sense as people are visual creatures and it helps them use computers effectively. Technical people like programmers or computer power users may choose to use command line interfac (CLIs). You can accomplish so much when you… Continue reading Defining Video Game Interfaces (VGIs)

Brand New Unity Project: My Starter Kit

Testing is a core tenant I believe helps me produce high quality software. In order to have faith in a test suite that is assembled is to constantly verify every code change that is introduced to the system. Github Actions (docs) is a wonderful workflow based system that can easily integrate with a Github project.… Continue reading Brand New Unity Project: My Starter Kit