Thanks to AliExpress I’ve been able to obtain more electronic components for cheap.
Many moons ago I developed robotics. I 3D printed 4 legged robots, built circuits to support 8 9g servos, an arduino, and support a small lipo battery. In an unexpected turn of events, I actually flashed the arduinos to be able to run a JavaScript library called Johnny Five. My robots learned how to walk and dance, and was simply a humble brag of a web developer. I taught others how to program these bots in user meetup groups.
I had stopped working on my robot prototype when I was trying to incorporate wireless communications and lean the weight dramatically. I still have the prototype and see the Bluetooth component module.
Fast forward almost a decade and I haven’t done too much with this hacker skill set. I think it’s time to change that. I see that on the market there exists SoCs that have Bluetooth, WiFi, and a tiny file system baked into one chip. I think it’s time to rebuild a robot except with this ESP32 as the brain.