My name is Andrew Allbright. I work with computers and I really love programming. Welcome to my little spot on the web. Take a look around. Let me know what you think. I do enjoy reading observations or answering questions.

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Programmer Character Sheet

I have many experiences with computers. Here is some my attempt to share some of my programmer experiences with computers 😎.

Language RuntimeExperience
Scala (docs)Experienced. From command line apps to Scala Play microservice applications I can create, maintain, and operate within this runtime. #restAPIs #CLIs #functional-programming
MyriaDB (docs)Confidently pragmatic. This is my SQL database of choice. #wordpress #golang #python #nodejs
Go (docs)Experienced. Default scripting language when shell scripting isn’t enough. #devops #kubernetes #CLIs
AWS (docs)Experienced. I chose to invest my energy into AWS as my cloud provider of choice. I prefer the aws CLI. #cloud
Docker (docs)Experienced. Ask me what I would do if an image wasn’t building. Ask me how to develop inside a container.
Kubernetes (docs)Experienced. Ask me how to remote debug an application running inside a cluster. #devops #YAML
Terraform (docs)Beginner.
Ansible (docs)Experienced. Fantastic tool. #raspberry-pi #computer-setup #VMs
Python (docs)Experienced. Python is a fantastic scripting language with a lot of punch. #flask #django #pygame #CLIs
Unity (manual, scriptable API)Working on it. Developing an appropriate mental model for creating games has been a fun hobby. #webGL #3Dgames #simulations
PHP (docs)Experienced. PHP is good to know because “shared hosting” platforms like GoDaddy and Dreamhost support PHP. Great for simple projects. Great for WordPress (docs)
HTML5 (docs)Experienced. #accessibility #graceful-degradation
CSS (docs)Experienced. SCSS (docs) LESS (docs)
JS (docs)Experienced. Node (docs) Typescript (docs) Webpack (docs)
Bash (docs)Experienced. #linux #containers #shell-scripting
NGINX (docs)Experienced. My reverse proxy technology of choice.
Apache (docs)Comfortable. Thank you .htaccess files.
Arduino (docs)Experienced.
Non-exhaustive list of “runtimes” I’ve done work in.
Target Platform TypeThoughts
Command Line Interface#scripting #utility
Static Web#browser-capabilities #HTML5 #CSS #JS #WASM #seo
Web Services#haproxy #nginx #apache #httpd #restful-apis #websockets #tcp #udp #gprc #templating
Application Runtimes#go #php #node #jvm #python #dotnet
DNS#ssl-certificates #shared-hosting #cloud-hosting #pi-hosting
Games#unity #godot #flash #pygame #phaserJS #actionscript
Data#relational #document-store #redis #kafka #zookeeper
Cloud#aws #azure #cloud-compute #cloud-native #kubernetes #virtual-machines
Robotics#esp #arduino #raspberry-pi #3D-printing #electronics #VEX
Linux#kernel #systemd #system-calls #OS #fundamental
Host configuration#ansible #terraform #dotfiles #shell-scripts #packer #images #portability
Machine Learning#generative-ai #stable-diffusion #audio-generation #computer-vision #reinforcement-learning
My attempt to capture important large categories of experiences I’ve had. 😎
vimGeneral use
IDEAScala, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform
Rider.NET apps, Unity Game Programming
DataGripInteract with data stores
PHPStormWordPress theme and plugin development, Laravel projects
WebstormStatic site assets
CLionArduino C, ESP C
VS CodeLight weight GUI editor
A crafts person is only as good as the tools they use. 🛠
Base Stats
Driven by curiosityEverything has an explanation. At any time utilize one’s imagination to help find the right question to ask.

+2 bonus to insight, investigation, and history checks.
Active ImaginationBeing open to the real world helps one think up imaginary worlds.

+3 bonus to perception and performance checks.
Pragmatic EngineerA tool is only as good as it’s toolmaker. Fortunately studying and practicing is in one’s nature. Discipline is the name of the game.

+2 bonus to history checks.
Software SpellcasterOne is fully capable of creating the right programming incantation to make it happen.

+2 bonus to arcana checks involving computer actions.
This is a fun way of reflecting on oneself 😄